Life on Fat Dog Farm

With Nature As Our Guide, We Thrive

This is our motto.

Life on the farm is a principled existence. Though Aleah and Andrew were naive about how much work there was to be done, and that it really and truly never stops, the undertaking had a clear purpose that remains to this day.

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We are loved and protected by the animals, just as we love and protect them.

Nature controls how we spend our days, and therefore our life, in accordance to the sun, the moon and the stars within each season, experienced by each being on the farm.

Because of the love of one dog, our world changed from downtown city life in Asheville, to owning eighteen acres and becoming farmers in Tryon, North Carolina.
— Aleah

Our Principles

High Standards.

High standard of excellence in farm care. Healthy happy horses, goats, chickens, dogs, and pig makes for a healthy farm. Plus, the most nourishing and delicious products like goat milk, eggs, medicinal herbs, fruits, and vegetables. We use organic and GMO-free feeds, free choice hay and minerals. The animals have open pastures for at least twelve hours a day, and barns to snuggle in at night and during inclement weather. Every animal on the farm has a name, including all the chickens, and they are loved and well cared for! What we grow.

Farm Fresh Produce.

In addition to the animals, Fat Dog Farm is home to fruit orchards, vegetable garden, nut trees, medicinal herb gardens and grape vines. The biodiversity creates a complimentary farm ecosystem to ensure better soil health, plant pollination, weed control and on-site food production.

Chinese Medicine.

We utilize 5 Element Theory, derived from Chinese Medicine. We identify and label each animal based on their element IE, wood, fire, earth, metal, or water. We know these labels help us understand the animal’s personalities, as well as determine their best and most effective remedies in life for training, healing, and overall well-being.


Lastly, we honor who we are, where we came from and the many farm mishaps endured to guide us where we are going as we tell our stories.


“Each day we faced unexpected challenges and were reminded that quiet life in the country was not as carefree as we envisioned.”

— Aleah

Life in the house.

Who says farm animals can’t come inside. Enjoy a few of the domestic adventures of baby Fat Dog Farm animals.


Please purchase a copy of Fat Dog Farm: Tails of Farm Failures from one of these esteemed and beloved booksellers.